Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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7/19/22 jh Required Cerner In-Service Competencies for Inpatient Pharmacists
July 20, 2022

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "grp allpharm" <>
Cc: "Gregg Knowles" <>, "Jack Adams" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2022 3:03:56 PM
Subject: Required Cerner In-service Competencies for Inpatient Pharmacists


Hey all,

 Instead of a live in-service, we have created two NetLearning competencies that are required for any pharmacists that dose Vancomycin or are involved in Cerner order verification or manipulation.  These competencies consist of two videos which you may watch at your own pace/when convenient.

 Please manually enroll in the following two courses within NetLearning by searching within Learning Opportunities, with a goal of completing them sometime within the next 4 weeks:

 Maximize the videos for the best viewing experience:


E-PH6370722 Pharmacist Summer 2022 In-service: Vancomycin Calculator Updates [Video]

  • (~13.5 minutes) This video covers updates to the Adult Vancomycin Excel calculator.  There are no slides for this video.


E-PH6380722 Pharmacist Summer 2022 In-service: Cerner Updates [Video]

  • (~28.5 minutes) This video focuses on Cerner including iView, the Medications Flowsheet, reporting problematic favorited PowerPlans, and the importance of Discontinuing Continuous orders.  The slides may be accessed at:  I apologize for the audio quality of this video!
  • !!!Additional clarifying points about Discontinuing drips:  Pharmacists have to verify the Discontinuation of some drips (e.g. Heparin).  In these cases, please actually Verify the discontinue and do not Void it.  If at any point you Void a Discontinue in MedManager (including prior to Verifying the Discontinue or after Verifying the Discontinue), the order will disappear from CareCompass.
  • As described in the video, you can Discontinue an entire PowerPlan, or alternatively you can Discontinue a drip contained within a PowerPlan first (be that through PowerChart or MedManager) and then come back and Void the rest of the PowerPlan (something you can only do from PowerChart), because when you Void a PowerPlan it only applies the Void to any active orders (and not those that were previously D/C’d)
  • I know this is a lot but Bottom line: never Void a Drip that was previously running that you want to end-state, including when you have to Verify its Discontinuation!



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