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7/19/22 cs HH Main Deployment Updates
July 20, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2022 2:02:23 PM
Subject: HH Main Deployment Updates



Starting MondayJuly 25th, we will be making the following adjustments to our pilots.

1.) 2nd shift UB adjustments and hours: The UB 11 and UB 12 will become an 8 hour shift Monday-Thursday.  The UB 11/UB 12 hours will be 1230-2100 and their lunch time will be 1415-1500. The UB 9 and UB 10 will remain 10 hour shifts and lunch times will remain at 1345-1415. The UB 9/10/Friday Ws will take over Clin Spec order verification at 1145. PeriOps can be started at that time or when the UB 11 and UB 12 arrive at 1230. There are no changes in hours with the Friday-Sunday Ws at this time. 

2.) ICU Verification: Starting at 1145 on Mon-Fri, the clinical specialist order verification responsibilities will be transitioned over to the UB/Ws that arrive at 1130. As the UB 11 and UB 12 arrive at 1230 M-Th, they will also manage the Clin Spec orders and PeriOps. Please utilize the renamed PILOT HH Main Clin Spec PPM. 

3.) UB 1-8 Lunch Coverage Counterparts: We will be reactivating this style of lunch coverage. In doing this, the UB 9-12/Friday Ws will no longer cover 1st shift lunches M-F. The UB 1-8 will need to work with their counterparts to determine when each pharmacist will go to lunch that day. When collapsed, the "te" will cover the UB 7's orders for their lunch and BMT coverage.

4.) Weekend Positions: We will begin piloting the "tED" position on the weekends with our most recent schedule that was posted. The "tED" will be taking the place of the "t" on Sat-Sun.  The PGY1 resident will be responsible for ED orders 0700-1230 and assist with Central duties as needed. The "Tr" and "Qw" positions will be their backup and guides as the residents become more comfortable with the role. The "tED" will not be responding to traumas and the Clinical Specialist will continue responding to the ED heart alerts. We are still working on adjustments with our weekend UB and W positions.

5.) PPMs: There have been several old PPMs removed and even a few renamed on our current list.

PILOT HH Main ALL ICU ---> PILOT HH Main Clin Spec
HH Main Friday W ---> HH Main Weekday Evenings

Under Review:
OPM and Q Workload
Weekend positions and responsibilities

If there are any questions regarding responsibilities or deployment please let me know. The Mon-Fri deployment documents will be updated at the end of the week.

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