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7/11/22 gk HH Main Unit Moves: 7NE/7E and 3NE/7T
July 12, 2022

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
To: "Christopher Squires" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 8:05:36 AM
Subject: Re: HH Main Unit Moves: 7NE/7E and 3NE/7T


With all these changes, please be extra diligent in the days to come with nss/pks reconciliation, making sure nobody slips through any cracks.  Report any issues found on reconciliation or with the dashboard.


From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 1:38:22 PM
Subject: HH Main Unit Moves: 7NE/7E and 3NE/7T

Good afternoon,

There are a few unit moves that are taking place over the next few days.

1.) 7NE will become the new Oncology unit and 7E will be a sister medical unit with 7W. This move will begin tomorrow (7/8) and will likely be completed by next Tuesday (7/12). 

PPM Adjustments:

Pilot HH Main ALL ICU: Removing 7E, adding 7NE 

Pilot HH Main UB7: Add 7E and 7W, remove 7NW and 7NE (UB 7 units: 7E, 7W, 7N)

Pilot HH Main UB8/UB 8 COLLAPSE: Add 7NW, remove 7W (UB 8 units: 7NW, 5MST, 5NE (+4N on collapsed PPM))

Oncology Inpatient: Remove 7E, add 7NE

2.) 3NE is closing and moving back to 7T as an Admissions/ED Hold unit beginning tomorrow (7/8).

We will swap 3NE and 7T for the UB 2 during the week. 7T will remain on the current weekend PPMs for now. 
PPM Adjustments:
Adding 7T: HH Main Friday W, PILOT HH Main UB 2, and PILOT HH Main UB 2 COLLAPSE
Removing 7T: HH Main T t teHH Main T t Q 
All the above changes will go into motion this afternoon (7/7) around 1530, along with any changes to the deployment documents, patient lists, and PKS/NSS Dashboards.

Let me know if you have any questions or notice any issues. 


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