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6/6/22 dc LORazepam 2 mg injection - Critical Low
June 21, 2022

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Monday, June 6, 2022 9:37:25 AM
Subject: LORazepam 2 mg injection - CRITICAL LOW


As of this morning, we have (based on historic usage) a 2-week supply of LORazepam 2 mg injection; at this time we have no indication that we will receive any more product before we run out. Beginning immediately, we need to work to drastically restrict the use of LORazepam injection to those ADULT patients who are unable to take another product. Here are a few suggestions:
  • severe agitation - haloperidol, ziprasidone
  • alcohol withdrawal - phenobarbital
  • seizures responsive to benzos - diazepam
  • breakthrough symptoms of agitation in ICUs - midazolam
Please pass this along to the nursing and physician leadership in your areas, especially : family practice/gen med areas, psych, ED, ICUs. We have a decent supply of LORazepam vials to make drips, so those are OK for now.

Thanks for helping us preserve our dwindling LORazepam 2 mg injections by helping prescribers choose an alternate product or by working to discontinue unneeded usage. DAVID

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