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6/14/22 HH Main MST Pharmacy Office Renovations
June 21, 2022

From: Christopher Squires <>
To: Pharmacists Main Central <>, Pharmacy Clinical Specialist <>
Cc: Pharmacy Residents <>, Mary Dang <>, Alesha McNeese <>
Sent: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 13:32:12 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: HH Main MST Pharmacy Office Renovations
Good afternoon,
With any renovation project, there are small hiccups. I just wanted to make everyone aware of a timeline change with the 6MST pharmacy office.
6MST and 8MST
Projected for 6/17-6/18 - 6MST has been pushed back to accommodate some electrical work. Please continue to work out of the 5th floor pharmacy office until we have a confirmed date. 
Thursday, 6/16 - 8MST office remains on track to be completed and ready at 7A

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