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6/6/22 dc two more major shortages
June 21, 2022

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "grp" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2022 12:15:56 PM
Subject: two more major shortages


We are short on pantoprazole injection. Please aggressively convert to PO (automatic interchange in appropriate pts)

Also, we are very short on diltiazem injection for bolus doses. See below from Gregg:

Boluses can be given from the drip and the pumps are set up to do this.  This can be used probably 95% of the time a bolus is called for.

There are instances where only a bolus is ordered w/out a drip.  An example would be the cardiac CT powerplan where they need the HR to be < 60 to get an accurate picture. Verapamil pushes could be an option. There is not much experience using verapamil this way. And beta blockers can be used. Given the rare need for boluses alone, I would recommend when that does happen, call md to see if a drip can be used or select another agent for push only.
Please act as needed on your patients. While the pantoprazole switch is automatic when criteria is met, the diltiazem options in cardiac CT (as with LORazepam injection) require conferring with the prescriber. Please work with your prescribers and nurse, especially in ICUs, to preserve our diltiazem supply.

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