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5/27/22 dc LORazepam 2 mg vials
June 6, 2022

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2022 2:19:57 PM
Subject: LORazepam 2 mf vials

Our supply of Lorazepam 2 mg vials is now CRITICAL. All ICU patients must be switched to midazolam or another agent after consultation with a physician. Steven has talked to ED about choosing an alternate agent in that area. We also need to talk to prescribers when LORazepam is prescribed for ETOH withdrawal and recommend another product, such as phenobarbital or diazepam. Via our quick calculations, we are currently below a 30-day supply and with a full house and holiday weekend, we may see even higher demand.
I will ask Megan Leach to send out a blast to all prescribers in a few minutes, but wanted you all to know this now. Please help get patients off of LORazepam pushes wherever possible (we have enough for drips right now). 

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