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5/26/22 aa New Rule: Consult to Pharmacy Notification for TPN Consult
June 6, 2022

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Amy Pope" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 8:58:47 AM
Subject: New Rule: Consult to Pharmacy Notification for TPN Consult

Since late April, Madison has been using a rule to create a ‘Consult to Pharmacy Notification’ dummy med order when a TPN Consult is entered at their facility to assist with timely identification of new TPN consults.  Effective Wednesday 6/1/22,  this rule will be expanded to include all facilities and will create the notification order regardless of the time of day (screenshots below).  


For Adult TPN consults received after hours, please be sure to utilize the new PHARM NSS Labs Powerplan to assist with lab order entry in preparation for review the following day.  The PHARM NSS Labs Powerplan contains an order for the standard Adult Stock TPN as well.

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