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5/24/22 dc Concentrated saline shortage
May 25, 2022

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "grp allpharm" <>
Cc: "Robert W Jr Chappell" <>, "larrywalkerhsv" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2022 9:32:14 AM
Subject: concentrated saline shortage

Our shortage of concentrated saline has worsened to the point that, at our current usage rate, we will run out of the 23.4% product within a week. Until further notice:
  • please do not verify orders that require compounding with saline (e.g., 1/4 NS) - we have D5 1/4 NS as well as 1/2 NS products; please work with the prescriber to choose an alternate fluid
  • please minimize the amount of sodium in TPN to the lowest safe dose; better yet, convert all possible patients to enteral feedings. For TPNs, we do have a decent supply of Na acetate and Na Phos.
We are following this closely and will let everyone know when our supply returns. DAVID

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