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5/13/22 cs HH Main Pilot Adjustments Live 5/16
May 16, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2022 12:36:48 PM
Subject: HH Main Pilot Adjustments Live 5/16

After meeting with our schedule advisory group and reviewing our current model thus far, there are a few adjustments that will be made starting this upcoming Monday, 5/16.
We will be converting the currently scheduled Q4 positions on Monday-Thursdays (not Fridays) to the position formerly known as the Q3. The Q3 hours will remain 0730-1600 as before, but this adjustment will allow our pharmacists to better manage the larger volume of surgery orders that occur during those morning hours. The Q1-Q3 will manage lunch amongst themselves. This is in addition to the Q coverage for central pharmacy orders being removed during the morning batch (0745-0900) (See Mary's previous e-mail).
With the Q4 no longer being scheduled during the evening hours, the UB 10 will now need to go down to Central starting at 1530. That position will need to have the TtQ ppm pulled up (just like the Q4 would) to manage our procedural orders. As the surgery orders become manageable or at least by 1830, please switch to HH Main ALL to aid your fellow UBs in whole house verification. There will still be a te to help with Central activities and a Clinical Swing position aiding the remaining UBs. This adjustment will also help facilitate the UB 9 returning to HH Main in the coming months. 
We will still have a Q4 on Fridays (not a Q3) at this time due to the lighter surgery load and the added support it offers going into the weekend for our pharmacists working the Ws. This is only involving Mon-Thur deployment. 
Given the sudden nature of this adjustment, if it causes any issues with your currently posted schedule(s) (i.e. childcare issues, turn arounds, etc), please let Mary know as soon as possible so we can make any necessary adjustments (I will be out 5/16-5/30 on paternity leave). We will be able to better account for this deployment adjustment in our upcoming schedules to avoid these types of issues.
If there are any questions, please let us know. The Mon-Thurs deployment document has been updated. 

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