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4/28/22 cs HH Main Tentative 8th Floor Unit Renovations Timeline
May 3, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 10:49:22 AM
Subject: HH Main Tentative 8th Floor Unit Renovations Timeline

Good afternoon,


The 5MST to 5NW move has been completed. There is a chance of turning up to three of those rooms into semi-private spaces for discharge patients. 


Tentative dates for upcoming temporary unit moves:

Tuesday, May 3rd – 8MST to 5MST

Wednesday, May 11th – 8N-M to 5NEM

Tuesday, May 17th – 8NEM (NICU) to 8MST


UB 8/NICU pharmacists: As the moves approach, the necessary adjustments will be made in Cerner and Pyxis. You will be assigned the updated unit location(s), but will maintain the same types of patients. 


8N and 8NE will begin their renovations shortly after the moves are complete. We will continue to utilize the 8MST pharmacy office.


Let me know if you have any questions. 

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