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4/27/22 cs HH Main Pilot Adjustments Live 5/2
May 3, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 3:04:34 PM
Subject: HH Main Pilot Adjustments Live 5/2


With our most recent and upcoming schedule(s), I wanted to mention a "few" changes that will be integrated.  

UB 1 Hours: We will be adjusting our UB 1 position's hours from 0600-1430 to 0700-1530, which is the same as our other UB positions. This move will allow for a better workflow, especially with lunch coverage and pass off. All UB positions will have pass off at 1515 going forward.


Midnights: Please note with this change there will not be a UB verifying for Sivley Tower or CSSM, SHRU, CATH between 0600-0700. Please continue verifying for those units during that time frame. 


Pilot Unit Adjustments: CSSM, SHRU, CATH will go to the UB 3, 4NW moves to the UB 5, and the UB 1 will keep the Sivley Tower units. 


ICU ALL Verification: 2nd shift UBs will resume ICU verification responsibilities starting at 1330. The full break down of responsibilities will be listed below, as well as, the lunch coverage adjustment.


Renovations: Unit assignments will be adjusted accordingly.  


The deployment documents, PPMs, PKS Dashboard, and patient lists will be updated prior to 5/2. 


UB 1-8 Callout/Collapse Process: 


In the event of a UB 1-8 callout or if it is necessary to collapse a UB position to complete a schedule, we will move forward with a standardized plan. Regardless of which position calls out, the UB 4 will be the collapsed position. The pharmacist in the UB 4 position will always flex to the position that called out. (ex: UB 2 calls out, the UB 4 will become the UB 2).The units assigned to the UB 4 will be redistributed to the UB 2, 6, and 8.  Once we are collapsed, there will be 3 new PPMs and lists to change over to for coverage. The UB 2, 6 and 8 positions will need to switch over to the (COLLAPSE) version of their PPMs (see attached) and (G. Belzer) patient lists. Please note the adjustment in responsibilities with codes, PKS, Sentri7s, and interventions below when collapsed. Continue to utilize the PKS Dashboard in order to help distribute consult load amongst your teams. 



PPM and Patient List names


Units, Sentri7s, Codes, PKS, Interventions



UB 2 collapsed

2E, 2W, 3NE, 4E



UB 6 collapsed

4W, 6N,6MST,6W



UB 8 collapsed

4N, 7W, (8N, 8MST) 


In order to better facilitate this process, we will need to remove the counterpart's Lunch coverage model starting 5/2. The UB 1-8 will now have lunch at 1145 and the 2nd shift pharmacists will pick up their orders during that time. You will continue to utilize your counterparts for codes, order verification, consults, or any other scenario where assistance is necessary (i.e. Cross Check). The UB 7 will continue to cover for BMT's lunch and the UB 9-12/Ws will aid in order verification coverage during that time. Please communicate with the 2nd shift UBs on what time they will need to cover or if there is NOT a need to cover that day for the UB 7.


UB 1-8 Lunch: Forward ASCOMs to your 2nd Shift Counterpart's ASCOM during Lunch. 


Updated UB 9-12 + Friday W Breakdown:


1145-1230: Order verification for UB 1-8 Lunch (For now, use the HH Main Friday W ppm M-F)

1230-1330: PeriOps + UB 7 Lunch coverage for BMT support (PeriOps can start sooner on if able and continue beyond 1330 as needed)

1330-1415: 2 UBs (M-Th) or 2 Ws (Fri) take over HH Main ICU ALL verification (te, Q4, and 2 UBs/1 (Fri) W not verifying will go to lunch at this time.)

1415-1500: 2 UBs (M-Th) or 1 W + te (Fri) will cover the ICU ALL ppm (Remaining UBs/Ws go to lunch)

1515: Daily Passoff 


Notes on the upcoming schedule(s):


Collapsing the UB 4 on the 5/15-5/28 schedule (Follow the above process starting Monday, 5/15) - Noted in Schedule Anywhere

Triumphant Return(s): te position with the 5/2 schedule (Q4 back to Dowdle at 1000)


Congratulations on successfully reading through this e-mail. Let me know if you have any questions on these changes. 


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