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4/27/22 gk PKS_NSS Dashboard update
May 3, 2022

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 9:03:53 AM
Subject: PKS_NSS Dashboard update

To all Main RPhs,
The PKS_NSS Dashboard on the shared drive is working well, and people seem to be using it to identify who has a heavy task load and could benefit from some assistance.  If tasks are transferred, consider updating the document by placing a comment in column B, such as 'gave 2 tasks to UB6', so that others know.  The screenshot below is from the 4/26 file in the archives folder, if you want to experiment with it.  You can see where the comment was added to the UB1 (cell B5).  Unfortunately, you can't update the original task count, cell A5 for example, so we're stuck with using a comment in the adjacent cell.  The file can only be modified by one person at a time.  If you get the 'read only' popup when you open the file, it means someone else has it open, but it also tells you who that person is.  

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