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4/19/22 md HEMSI Advanced EMT
April 19, 2022

From: "Mary Dang" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 8:41:33 AM
Subject: HEMSI Advanced EMT

Good Morning,

Julie Miller from HEMSI has just informed me that they will have Advanced EMT personnel that will carry 1 vial of versed (10 mg/2 ml) in their Advanced Kit for the State's new seizure policy. HEMSI will carry 11 boxes, 1 vial per box. They will supply the 11 boxes and all equipment except for the vial of versed. Similar to their LDB kits, HEMSI will bring in the used kit and we will sign out a clean Advanced Kit. Please note that only Advanced EMT personnel will handle these Advanced Kits with versed. Versed x 1 vial will be the only medication item in this Advanced Kit, which will be supplied by us. HEMSI will bring in these new kits this Friday with their notebook for log purposes. Go live date will be 4/29/22. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks as always!

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