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4/14/22 je Probiotic Formulary Update
April 18, 2022

From: "Jonathan Edwards" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Buyers" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2022 1:17:12 PM
Subject: Re: Probiotic Formulary Update


The recommendation from the ID Subcommittee of restricting probiotics to GI and Pediatric providers was accepted at the most recent P&T committee meeting. Since probiotics are considered a dietary supplement, if they are ordered by a non-GI/Peds provider, the verifying pharmacist is authorized to discontinue the order. This formulary update will go-live on April 19th
We are in the process of educating the primary users of these agents (ID, Hospitalists, & UAB) regarding this change and have notified them of the go-live date of April 19th. We hope this education will prevent our verifying pharmacists from receiving a large number of questions about this new process and why the orders were discontinued. 
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you,

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