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4/18/22 mb ADULT Infectious Diseases PowerPlans
April 18, 2022

From: "Madeline Belk" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2022 8:36:01 AM
Subject: ADULT Infectious Diseases PowerPlans
Adult infectious Diseases PowerPlan Update

ID PowerPlan Update

Good morning, pharmacists - 

The Antimicrobial Management Team (AMT) has collaborated with Dr. Panchavati, Dr. Tangutur and the Infectious Diseases Subcommittee to develop ADULT Infectious Diseases PowerPlans that guide antibiotic management of common infectious disease (ID) states. The PowerPlans were specifically designed for hospitalists and UAB physicians. Please see below for key points: 

  • How do you find the PowerPlans?
    • Search "ID Adult..." and select the desired ID state
  • Which ID states are included?
    • Community acquired pneumonia (CAP), hospital-acquired pneumonia/ventilator-associated pneumonia (HAP/VAP), urinary tract infection (UTI), intra-abdominal infection, skin and soft tissue infections (cellulitis, diabetic foot infection, and necrotizing fasciitis), C. difficile infection (CDI), and meningitis


These PowerPlans have first-line antibiotics and durations of therapy for the provider to select in order to optimize and customize each patient's antibiotic regimen. Additional information regarding the PowerPlans is attached to this email and on the Antimicrobial Stewardship page of FormWeb under “ADULT ID PowerPlans (For Hospitalists & UAB)”. 


Please feel free to promote these PowerPlans to providers you work with and contact AMT with any questions!


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