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3/31/22 lj ADULT Pharmacist-Led Protocol for MRSA PCR Nasal Swab in Pneumonia
April 13, 2022

From: "Logan Jones" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Jonathan Edwards" <>, "Madeline Belk" <>, "Caitlin Bowman" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2022 7:55:56 AM
Subject: ADULT Pharmacist-Led Protocol for MRSA PCR Nasal Swab in Pneumonia
HH - Protocol - MRSA PCR in PNA

Good morning pharmacists,

The Infectious Diseases Subcommittee and Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee recently approved an ADULT Pharmacist-Led Protocol for MRSA PCR Nasal Swab in Pneumonia (attached). This protocol allows pharmacists to order an MRSA PCR for ADULT patients receiving anti-MRSA agents (i.e. vancomycin, linezolid) for the treatment of pneumonia. This test has a negative predictive value over 95% at our institution, which means a patient with a negative MRSA PCR likely does not have pneumonia caused by MRSA. The MRSA PCR will serve as a de-escalation tool to help optimize antimicrobial regimens for patients receiving treatment for pneumonia.

The protocol is attached to this email and available on FormWeb under Antimicrobial Stewardship > Guidelines > MRSA PCR in Pneumonia Protocol. At this time, we have approval to order the tests in ADULT patients ONLY. Additionally, we have created an educational video about MRSA PCR nasal swabs and this new protocol that can be viewed by following the link below.

Educational video:

Please reach out with any questions.

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