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4/1/22 gk PKS Dashboard
April 13, 2022

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 9:30:45 AM
Subject: PKS Dashboard
PKA Dashboard 4.1.22

Determining how many PKS tasks a position has on a given day, and comparing that to how many PKS tasks other positions have is a laborious process if using the tabs and patient lists under Consults and Interventions.  In an effort to make this information more easily retrievable, PharmIT has developed a PKS Dashboard.  The Dashboard is produced daily in the early am and allows quick viewing of how many PKS tasks exist that day for each UB and Clin Spec position.  The Dashboard can be found at
Pharmacy S drive, Pharmacy-Shared, 1PKS Dashboard
Once in the 1PKS Dashboard folder, you will see that days PKS Dashboard Excel file.  I've attached todays file, but you can easily find it on the network if you wish.
Opening the Excel file will reveal the UB 1-8 positions as well as the ICUs, ONC, and ED positions.  Each position will list the total number of PKS tasks they have for the day.  This should make it easy to see how many you have and what everyone else has.  If you have a lot and want help, find someone who has less.  If you have none or few, see who has a lot and offer help.
Double-clicking on any cell containing the number of tasks will open a new sheet with a listing of the patients making up that count.  Keep in mind the original dashboard is under Sheet 12 at the bottom of the document in case you want to get back to it.
NSS is currently NOT a part of the Dashboard, so the number of tasks for clin spec positions will not reflect NSS tasks, only PKS tasks.  We hope to incorporate NSS tasks in the near future.
The Dashboard is currently configured to work with the April 4 Pilot, but if we like it, it can quickly be reconfigured to work with our current deployment once the Pilot is complete.
The Dashboard is produced once daily in the early am, as it is envisioned each rph would refer to it at the beginning of 1st shift.  Past Dashboards will be kept in the Archive folder.
I realize the Dashboard is not the most aesthetically pleasing document ever made, but we can gloss it up in the future.
This was built for Main, but if you see utility in Madison, W&C, or any other part of our department, don't hesitate to contact me.
Let me know how it works, if you find it helpful, or any recommendations to make it better.

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