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3/31/22 ch W&C Code Coverage Plan
April 11, 2022

From: "Cappy Heyward" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2022 2:29:39 PM
Subject: W&C Code coverage plan
HHWC Code Coverage Plan

Attached is a plan for W&C Code Blue coverage for midnights and weekends.  This is effective tomorrowApril 1.

Key points:

  • This plan applies anytime there is only one pharmacist at W&C (2200-0630 on weekdays, 1700-0630 on weekends)
  • HH Main pharmacists will provide backup when W&C pharmacist reports to codes
  • For PEDIATRIC codes, W&C pharmacist will report to code and call HH Main for order coverage
  • For ADULT codes, W&C pharmacist will report to code and call HH Main for either order coverage or code coverage depending on anticipated length of code
  • For code coverage:
    • HH Main pharmacist will tram to W&C to attend code
    • W&C pharmacist will return to central pharmacy once HH Main pharmacist arrives
  • For order coverage:
    • Verify STAT or NOW orders
    • May leave non-urgent orders
    • If pediatric orders need verification, HH Main pharmacist may verify if comfortable. Otherwise, use discretion to call pharmacist in code for stat order verification or leave all pediatric orders for W&C pharmacist.
  • If STAT or NOW IV preparations are needed, W&C tech will call PSP pharmacist to verify through Pharmacy Keeper

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