Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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4/1/22 cs HH main Upcoming UB Pilots 4/3
April 11, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 9:52:45 PM
Subject: HH Main Upcoming UB Pilots 4/3

Hey everyone,


I wanted to provide a few more details for the Phase 2 Pilot starting this coming Monday, 4/3.  


Verification and Consults:


PharmIT has created 18 PPMs and matching Patient Lists for pharmacists to use during the pilot.  Please see attached for the list and contact or if you encounter any issues.


PPMs for Order Verification:                    



Patient Lists proxied to all pharmacists for use to find Interventions and Consults on the "Consults and Interventions" tabs (MPTL):



All pharmacists: Please remember to review the "Huntsville Main ALL (G. Belzer)" or "Ancillary Units (Main) (G. Belzer)" list(s) on ALL shifts and positions periodically to account for any missed consults.


Pass off

Cerner Interventions are the primary tool used to hand-off information between pharmacists and to document information in the patient chart.  Please remember the importance of communicating issues with your fellow pharmacists using the ISHAPED concept (see FormWeb).  During pass off, 1st and 2nd shift counterpart pharmacists should discuss any "time-sensitive" interventions or consults that require follow-up that evening. Additionally, the 2nd shift pharmacists will need to review their team's intervention lists during their shift or at pass off to confirm nothing was missed or overlooked. For example, W1 on Friday, expect to receive pass offs for UB1, UB2, UB3, ONC, and NICU for any interventions or consults that require follow-up for that evening. If a consult or intervention requires follow-up during midnight hours, 2nd shift pharmacists will need to pass off that information to the midnight pharmacists.


NOTE: We will be holding off on the ISHAPED Pass Off Forms that were mentioned in the refresher course at this time.  


Profile reviews for 1st shift UB pharmacists:


Click on the "Profile Review" hyperlink from the Formweb Deployment document to view or download the PowerPoint from Gregg’s “Beyond Sentri7” in-service. This contains the day-to-day expectations for the UB 2-8 (see slide 2).




The 2nd and 3rd shift pharmacists are not assigned any Sentri7s to review. A complete review of all Sentri7s will be performed by positions on 1st shift. 


The HH Main Pharmacist Shifts and Units document for Mon-Thurs has been updated on the Formweb Deployment page, while the Friday link will be updated over the weekend. As we progress through this next phase of pilots, please let me know if you have any questions. 

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