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3/30/22 cs HH Main Upcoming UB Pilots 4/3
April 11, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Call Center" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 10:04:46 PM
Subject: HH Main Upcoming UB Pilots 4/3
Phase 2 pilot Fri

Phase 2 pilot M-T

Hey everyone,
Below I've highlighted a few of the updates that will take place for our next phase of pilots that begin Monday, 4/3. I also wanted to go ahead and include our DRAFT deployment documents for you to see before Go-live. 
UB Lunch and Assist Counterpart: The UB 1-8 will be in pairs for lunch coverage. Lunch coverage responsibilities will be prioritized to cover your counterpart's NOWs, STATs, phone calls, and other timely requests, while they're at lunch. Non-urgent orders can remain unless deemed urgent by the UB covering. Additionally, if a UB is at a code or needs help with workload, please reach out to your UB partner for assistance. 
UB 1 shift 0600-1430: With the offset time frame to accommodate our CATH/CSSM patients, the UB 1 will complete their shift 1 hr prior to the remaining UBs. This position will need to pass off any items to their 2nd shift counterpart by 1415, along with order verification responsibilities. Remaining positions will give any pass offs and relinquish order verification by 1515. The UB 1 position will be a more traditional model that we have today with more unit assignments, which will not allow it to be as visible on the units as the other UBs. 
Te: This position will assist in lunch coverage for the OPM pharmacist in addition to Central coverage. 
UB 7: When needed, the UB 7 position will assist in lunch coverage for the BMT position and in any chemo double checks as a member of the ONC pool. Please coordinate with your UB counterpart to assist during these times. 
2nd Shift Counterpart: For each UB and Clinical Specialist, you will have a designated 2nd shift UB to pass off any necessary items for the evening. Additionally, the 2nd shift pharmacist will log into Aionex for their designated 1st shift partner's units. Ex. The UB 7, UB 8, ONC, NICU positions will pass off to the UB 9, which means the UB 9 will need to log into each of their respective units before 1515. This will provide a better communication method for the Call Center and nursing. Please note a few minor changes on the Friday document for counterparts on 2nd shift. 
2nd shift Lunch time (UB 9-12, Ws, te): Lunch for these positions will need to start at 1:30-2:15.
Midnights: By switching a few of the units around, you will notice that ST units and 3E/3W will be switched for your typical coverage from 6-7am. 
Codes: With UBs responding to codes called on their floors, please reach out to your UB counterpart or a Clinical Specialist if you need assistance in anyway. The Central pharmacist will continue to bring the code bag to all codes throughout the day.
PeriOps: The Q4 will not have PeriOps assigned to their position. The 2nd shift pharmacist will complete these for all units (HH/S1OR/S2OR). 
NOTE: As a reminder, please only initiate PeriOps with green check marks. Any remaining PeriOps without green check marks will need to be initiated after 1900. This includes weekdays and weekends.
When a question comes up or if you notice anything incorrect with the deployment pages (ASCOMs, assignments, etc.), please contact me. The attached deployment documents will be uploaded to Formweb in the coming days. Please refer to your e-mail for any Pilot updates or adjustments that occur.

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