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3/25/22 cs Upcoming Pilots and Schedule
March 30, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2022 3:58:24 PM
Subject: Upcoming Pilots and Schedule

Hey everyone,
With the next schedule, you will notice that it includes 8 UBs and excludes our Q3 position. I've attached the unit breakdown below for UB positions. Please understand that these are PILOTs. We will be assessing how the distribution of assignments and workload behave for any necessary adjustments daily. More DETAILED logistics will come early next week on roles and responsibilities. 
We will plan to run this pilot for 2 weeks. Depending on how it goes, we may choose to either continue the pilot or revert back to our current model status for assessment/modification if needed. That information will be relayed through upcoming communication and schedule postings. 
Thank you for your patience and diligence during this time. This is a large and daunting task, but as it approaches completion, it will ultimately allow our pharmacists to care for patients better. 
Please let me know if you have questions in the interim.
UB Units, Sentri7s, Codes, PKS, Interventions
2 2E, 2W, 3NE
3 3E,3W,4NW
4 4E,4W,4N
5 5E, 5W, 5MST, 5NW
6 6N,6MST,6W
7 7N,7NE,7NW (ONC)
8 7W, 8N, 8MST

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