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3/25/22 mb Paxlovid for COVID-19
March 30, 2022

From: "Madeline Belk" <>
To: "grp allpharm" <>
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2022 12:07:37 PM
Subject: Paxlovid for COVID-19
HH - COVID-19 - Paxlovid Criteria for Use 12-22-2021

Paxlovid Education Infographic

Good morning, pharmacists –

Beginning Monday, March 28th, we will go-live with a new oral antiviral therapy for COVID-19. Paxlovid, a combination of nirmaltrelvir and ritonavir, has received Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 infection in adults and children at least 12 years of age and weighing at least 40 kg who are at high risk for progression to severe disease (HH criteria for use attached). An infographic has been attached to this email with general information for pharmacists and nursing. Please review the infographic and important points below regarding the medication:


  • Please review the criteria for use prior to verification – this is primarily an outpatient medication and may only be initiated inpatient if the patient meets criteria & is not hospitalized for COVID-19 (similar to monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19)
  • If the patient is receiving Paxlovid prior to admission (i.e. prescribed as an outpatient) then please work with the patient to get home supply onsite and treat as a patient own med

o   If the patient is admitted for COVID-19 then continuation of outpatient therapy is at the discretion of the physician

  • The Paxlovid dose is adjusted for patients with moderate renal impairment (eGFR > 30 to < 60 mL/min)

o   Standard dose: nirmaltrelvir 300 mg (two 150 mg tablets) and ritonavir 100 mg (one tablet) twice daily for five days

o   Reduced dose: nirmaltrelvir 150 mg (one tablet) and ritonavir 100 mg (one tablet) twice daily for five days

  • The medication is dispensed in the original package and will be modified for patients with renal impairment
  • Both the original package and blister packs within the package will have a renal adjustment sticker placed on them
  • Paxlovid will be stored in the patient’s room out of sight (i.e. nightstand drawer)
  • If Paxlovid is started inpatient and not completed during the admission then the remaining medication should be sent home with the patient
  • If a patient is started on Paxlovid but becomes unable to take medications by mouth for whatever reason (i.e. intubated) then the medication cannot be crushed and the provider should be contacted for an alternative (i.e. remdesivir)


This information will be added to the COVID-19 Resources section of the Antimicrobial Stewardship page on FormWeb. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or need further clarification.

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