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3/17/22 dh Vial2Bag
March 28, 2022

From: "Donna Huggins" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 9:34:41 AM
Subject: Vial2Bag
Vial2Bag Advanced Brochure

Vial2Bag-ADDvanced InService Poster


We have been experiencing supply shortages of our small volume IV bags for the last several months. This significantly impacts us when the available quantity of minibag plus and add-vantage bags are insufficient to stock in Pyxis machines. These 2 items have the built-in connector on the bag for nursing to attach a vial and are intended to provide ease of access at the point of care.  When these are unavailable our only option is to prepare each dose in PSP which could prolong start times for antibiotics or urgently needed infusions. 
We have a new connector device called Vial2Bag that is designed to work with any standard IV bag.  Nursing has approved the use of this new item and has completed competency training for nursing staff. We plan to start using the Vial2Bag connectors Wednesday, March 23. The connectors have been added to Lawson, item number 776721, and these have been distributed to nursing units that have clear bin supplies. Nursing areas that do not have clear bins can order directly from Lawson. Should PSP receive a resupply request, we will send the vial, bag and connector. Vial2Bag is not intended to be pre-assembled in Pharmacy.prior to dispensing.
We are going to start by converting Cefepime 2g orders. Changes will be made in Cerner to reflect the regular 100 ml bag and a prompt will be added in Pyxis to remind the nurse to retrieve the Vial2Bag connector from the clear bin. 
Our goal is to balance our usage of minibag plus, add-vantage and Vial2Bag to avoid exceeding our monthly allocations, add flexibility with drug shortage issues,and keep medications at the point of patient care. 
I have attached the product information and training documents for your reference. 
If there are any questions or issues, please let me know.

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