Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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3/21/22 cs HH Main Pilot Adjustments and Timeline
March 28, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 10:43:49 AM
Subject: HH Main Pilot Adjustments and Timeline

Good morning,
My plan is to unveil 8 day shift UBs starting on the next schedule (4/3). It will be posted later this week in order to get all the necessary changes implemented. More details to follow, but wanted to give everyone an update. Before then, I want to make a few adjustments to our current pilots in order to streamline responsibilities in the interim. 
Starting Tuesday (March 22nd), 2nd shift pharmacists (UB 9-12, Ws) will take over order verification responsibilities at 1515 for any new orders. This is in addition to receiving pass-offs for the evening. This will allow for those working any 1st shift positions to complete any outstanding tasks they may have before their shift ends. Please be prepared to relay any pertinent information to the next shift in order for them to be able to successfully care for our patients. 
NOTE: The UB 5 will pass off to the te at 1415. 
ED Assist/Backup: By restructuring our 2nd shift positions, our ED assist/backup has now essentially become all available pharmacist in the evening (UB 9-12, Ws, te). Listed below is how we should triage ED orders to the better assist our ED2 position. While this change does not exclude the ED2 position from verifying any orders, it does grant them the flexibility to better manage our acute/critical patients, as well as, an ease of mind knowing that their team has their back. 
ED order prioritization for ED assist/backup positions:
  • 1st priority (in PPM for any amount of time): Admission order power plans
  • 2nd priority (in PPM for any amount of time): Home medications restarted by admitting team
  • All other orders (including Routine/NOW/STAT): Leave for ED pharmacist to verify (Exception: " NOW/STAT" orders or a "Routine" order deemed urgent in the queue for > 5-10 minutes, assume that ED pharmacist is away from the queue (i.e. with a critical patient) and is unable to verify orders)
Please note: The UB 11 phone should be utilized by the designated pharmacist on 2nd shift. This phone receives all alerts in the ED to know when the ED pharmacist is likely away, while allowing a better point of contact between pharmacists.
Q4 Clarification: The Q4 will report to central at 1430 (Mon-Fri). No need to return to Dowdle after lunch.
Thanks to all of you that have provided excellent constructive feedback on these pilots. 
Upcoming Pilots:
1. Verification tests with the "Q" positions - (March-April)
2. Weekends (every 4th) - (TBD)
Please let me know if you have any additional questions or feedback. 

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