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2/23/22 aa Multiple Products for Single Drug Item
March 7, 2022

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2022 8:24:56 AM
Subject: Multiple Products for SIngle Drug Item

PharmIT has received some questions about this recently, and we wanted to send out a confirmation so that everyone is on the same page....

When selecting products to associate to a given order, it is acceptable to select more than one to fulfill the given dose if needed (example of Adderall XR 25 mg order comprised of a 20 mg XR and 5 mg XR capsule in screenshot below).  If it is a Pyxis item, the Pyxis order will indicate removal of both items to fulfill the order, and both products should scan at the bedside.  If there is confusion, separate orders for each product can always be entered instead, but we did want to re-emphasize that this is an available option as well.


The only known issue with this multiple product selection is specific to INJ-Incremental Dispense Category only where a printed Cerner Label will repeat a line item product description instead of displaying both unique descriptions.  For example, in the Novoseven label below, 1000 mcg and 2000 mcg vials were chosen with the order (total dose: 3000 mcg), but the 2000 mcg injection product description repeats twice on the label. This is a known issue that is open with Cerner and is unique to the label itself and does not impact any other functionality within Cerner/interfaces.  We do not currently have a date for when this label issue may be corrected.



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