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2/24/22 gk Sunquest-Lab System Update and Downtime 2/23 for Lab Interfaces Down & 2/27 for Complete Lab Computer System Downtime
March 7, 2022

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 9:58:27 AM
Subject: Fwd: Sunquest- Lab System Upgrade and Downtimes 2/23 for Lab Interfaces Down & 2/27 for Complete Lab Computer System Downtime

I originally sent the email below to the weekend NSS/PKS teams at Main, Madison, and W&C, but thought it's something everyone should be aware of.
The questions I asked lab about the downtime were about vanco, but could be applied to any lab request.
There are processes for working through the downtime (see below), but if you are managing a vanco between now and sunday, and levels are a possibility, try to work around the downtime (order levels for saturday or sunday pm).

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