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2/23/22 gk Update on availability of TPN components
March 7, 2022

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2022 11:26:03 AM
Subject: Update on availability of TPN components

For those managing Adult TPNs,
Our allocated supply of 30% lipid emulsion continues to be consistent.   It is not enough to resume normal usage.  Continue with the current plan of adding 70 ml lipid daily if needed.  Do not add less than 70 mL as there is a question of TPN stability with small amounts of lipid.  Basically, either put in 70 mL or nothing.  With that volume and our average number of TPNs, usage matches our current allocation.
Potassium Chloride and Sodium Chloride continue to be in short supply.  Please use the least amount possible.  Sodium acetate, Potassium acetate, and Potassium Phosphate are alternatives and in adequate supply.
Sterile water and Amino Acids are also on allocation, but supply is meeting demand.  As long as this remains the case, no restrictions will be put into place.  Do try to keep TPN volumes to the lowest necessary.
MVI continues to be in short supply.  Procurement is erratic.  Our current restriction pertains to non-ICU patients only, where we are limiting MVI to 5 mL daily.  In all patients, assess for possibility of giving multivitamin PO and removing from TPN entirely.  
Thanks for all your efforts!

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