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2/15/22 cs HH Main Minor Pilot Adjustments
February 16, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 2:36:22 PM
Subject: HH Main Minor Pilot Adjustments


A few upcoming adjustments starting 2/16:

1. The Q4 will start initiating daily peri-ops for Endo, Colorectal, and GMT. (Updated on Formweb)
2. 2nd shift (UB 9-12 or Ws) will report to the 2nd floor office @1515 to receive any pass-offs for the evening.
3. The Te will take lunch at 1345. Clin Spec coverage will be automatically assumed at that time. No need to contact each Clin Spec daily.
1. The Q4 will report to central at 1530 (same as Mon-Thurs)
2. The W's will work out of the 2nd floor office from 1530-1830 (same as Mon-Thurs).

These adjustments will provide more consistency and workload balance with some of our pilots Monday-Friday. Thank you all for your feedback and cooperation! Let me know if you have any questions.

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