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2/14/22 js Clarification of Entresto-valsartan event
February 16, 2022

From: "Jill Shelton" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 1:43:05 PM
Subject: Clarification  of Entresto-valsartan event

The pharmacy related error (Entresto-valsartan) emailed last Friday needs some clarification.

The alert that fired for the MD and pharmacist was actually the duplicate medication alert. The ACE-I/Entresto 36 hour alert will only trigger when verifying Entresto. When verifying an ARB or ACE-I for a patient already on Entresto a duplicate alert will pop-up. The 36 hour timeframe was not the issue in this event. However, the MD should have been contacted about the duplicate alert and not over-ridden. Sorry for the confusion.


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