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2/11/22 sh Boxed EPINEPHrine 1 mg/10 mL Syringe Backorder UPDATE 2-11-22
February 16, 2022

From: "Steven Higginbotham" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2022 3:09:16 PM
Subject: Boxed EPINEPHrine 1 mg/10 mL Syringe Backorder **UPDATE 2/11/22**

The boxed EPINEPHrine 1 mg/10 mL syringe backorder continues to worsen. Going forward at HH Main, we will use EPINEPHrine 1 mg/10 mL KITS to refill Pyxis. All boxed Epi syringes have been removed from the carousel and sequestered for use in code trays. 
Please continue to refill ADULT code trays with 2 boxed EPINEPHrine syringes and 4 EPINEPHrine kits going forward.
There are no changes to the Pediatric code trays.
Technicians - If you have any issues scanning the barcode on the EPINEPHrine kits when refilling Pyxis, you may use the barcode on the carousel label. 
Let me know if you have any questions.

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