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2/9/22 md Pharmacy Practices
February 16, 2022

From: "Mary Dang" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 8:22:34 AM
Subject: Pharmacy Practices

Good Morning,

As the department of pharmacy is getting more complex with several areas that require specific skills, we're looking to further cross train our pharmacy staff. This will help expand our skillset(s), assist with staffing needs in various areas, and increase employee engagement and job satisfaction. The following are practice areas looking to expand their staffing pool:

OPM/MOB (Contact Chris/Mary)
Hybrid/CS (Contact Gregg)
Pain Management (Contact David)
W&C/Main Pool (Contact Katie Vandiver/Cappy Heyward/Mary/Chris)
Oncology Pool (David/Donna/Erik)
PSP Pool (Donna/Erik)
Madison Pool (Chris Strickland/Lauren)

If you're interested in any of the above, please contact the point person(s) listed above.

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