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2/4/22 cs Antimicrobial Irrigations During a Gentamicin Backorder
February 7, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacy Backorder Committee" <>
Cc: "Jonathan Edwards" <>, "Madeline Belk" <>, "kathryn adcock" <>
Sent: Friday, February 4, 2022 4:01:17 PM
Subject: Fwd: Antimicrobial Irrigations During a Gentamicin Backorder

Hey everyone,
See below for AMT's recommendation on the gentamicin 80 mg/ 2 mL vials and use in irrigations. Primarily surgeons in CVOR and Plastics use this in their irrigations. If they had to have something, tobramycin seems to be the logical alternative. 
It appears the supplies of the tobramycin 1.2 g (liquid and powder) and 40 mg/mL (2mL) vials are available from several companies. We currently have the 1.2 g powder and the 40 mg/ mL (2 mL) vials on our formulary. 
CVOR is the highest user at Main and they typically only use 1-2 of the gentamicin 40 mg/ mL (2mL) vials per case. We had one Ortho surgeon that uses up to 8 gentamicin vials for one procedure's irrigation, which is only once a month on average. 
Given that, I think the best option may actually be to go with the 40 mg/ mL (2 mL) tobramycin vials if an alternative is necessary. We currently have ~50 vials on the Main carousel and it shouldn't require us changing anything with the formulary. We would just need to purchase a comparable quantity to the same size gentamicin vials and load them in the OR areas that contain the gentamicin currently. I wanted to start the conversation with the group to see if anyone had reservations with that plan. 

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