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1/28/22 cb ADULT Cefepime Extended Infusion - Go Live February 1st
February 7, 2022

From: "Caitlin Bowman" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2022 1:45:05 PM
Subject: ADULT Cefepime Extended Infusion - Go Live February 1st
ADULT Cefepime Extended Infusion - Go Live February 1st

Good afternoon Pharmacists,

We will be going live with cefepime extended infusion ADULT dosing on February 1st. Extended infusion dosing (EID) applies to ALL doses received inpatient except those in the ED, Peri-OP/PACU, and other procedural areas (traditional 30-minute infusions will still be used here). In the table below, you will find the new cefepime EID protocol including the infusion times as well as renal dose adjustments:


Indicated Dose

Loading Dose

≥ 30 mL/min

11-29 mL/min

≤ 10 mL/min

Cefepime 1 g in 100mL NS doses

1 g IV x1
over 30 minutes, then begin maintenance infusion in 6 hours

1 g IV q 8 h
 over 4 hours

1 g IV q 12 h
over 4 hours

1 g IV q 24 h
over 4 hours


Indicated Dose

Loading Dose

> 60 mL/min

30-60 mL/min or CRRT

11-29 mL/min

≤ 10 mL/min

Cefepime 2 g in 100mL NS doses

2 g IV x1
over 30 minutes, then begin maintenance infusion in 6 hours

2 g IV q 8 h
over 4 hours

2 g IV q 12 h
over 4 hours

1 g IV q 12 h
over 4 hours

1 g q 24 h
over 4 hours



Be sure to note the renal dose adjustments cut-offs differ between the cefepime 1 g and cefepime 2 g for EID. Patients who are already receiving cefepime at the time of the go-live can continue on traditional dosing, but all new orders for cefepime will need to be placed using the power plan created. The "HOSP Cefepime (Maxipime) Orders" power plan has been created in order to help with this transition. Although these updates only pertain to ADULT patients at this time, a PEDS power plan has also been developed to facilitate making cefepime unorderable outside of the power plan.


A copy of the education provided to nursing has also been attached for your reference. Please let the AMT know if you have any questions (7-4200)!

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