Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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1/21/22 cs Upcoming Pharmacist Shift Enhancement Pilot
January 24, 2022

From: "Christopher Squires" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2022 9:21:22 AM
Subject: Upcoming Pharmacist Shift Enhancement Pilot


As foreshadowed in David's previous e-mail regarding shift enhancements and pilots, we will go live with our 2nd shift reduction pilot beginning Monday, January 31st. This pilot will essentially remove two 2nd shift UBs in the evening Monday-Thursday and consolidate the remaining 4 UB's efforts to collaboratively manage existing roles and responsibilities.


Please Note: We do ask that 1st shift UBs only pass off consults to 2nd shift when necessary. Please utilize the clinical specialist on your team for assistance with consult load.



  • This pilot removes 2 evening UB positions (UB 7 and UB 8). The remaining positions will still be designated as UB 9 (Franklin), UB 10, UB 11, and UB 12 on Schedule Anywhere. They will continue to utilize the UB 9, 10, 11, and 12 ASCOMs. The call center will contact these numbers after 1530 for all units. Procedural, ED, and dialysis units will remain with the Q4/Te/ED 2 until the end of their shifts.
  • In order to better accommodate the pilot, we will be relocating the UB 5 position to 5MST starting 1/31. There will be more information to come with this transition later next week.
  • The 2nd shift pharmacist will report to the 2nd floor office at 1130 to begin Sentri7, PeriOp, and lunch coverage. At 1830, the 10, 11, and 12 will work out of central pharmacy. The UB 9 will remain at Franklin for the entire shift.
  • These 4 positions will verify orders for all UB units (UB 7-12) starting at 1530 (PPM: "Friday Ws"). Once the Q4 leaves at 1830, they will take on any remaining procedural orders (PPM: "HH Main All"). Likewise, once the Te leaves at 2000, they will take over any Central roles (batches, etc).
  • The Te will be responsible for the UB 11 (MICU, SICU, ED) orders starting at 1130. Then they will take over the UB 5 order verification beginning at 1430, similar to the current Friday pilotThe Q4, E10, and ED 2 all remain unchanged.


2nd shift:

  • All PeriOps and Sentri7s for the existing UB 7-12 can be done prior to the 1st shifts leaving and finalized prior to the shift’s end.
  • Sign into Aionex for the units of your designated Sentri7 assignments.
  • UBs 10, 11, and 12 will be responsible for all code coverage after 1530.
  • Lunch coverage will continue to function the same with 1st and 2nd shift to cover each other's orders.
  • The deployment document on Formweb will be updated later next week.


Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions before the go-live date or during the shifts.


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