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1/18/22 je Tocilizumab Subcutaneous Syringe Availability
January 18, 2022

From: "Jonathan Edwards" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Buyers" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 2:17:40 PM
Subject: Re: Tocilizumab Subcutaneous Syringe Availability

We are experiencing some difficulty acquiring the subcutaneous syringes of tocilizumab. These syringes are primarily utilized by Drs. Hassoun and Malavade for the treatment of cytokine release syndrome due to COVID-19. (Typical dose is 162 mg subcutaneous x 1 dose) I have discussed this issue with both physicians and they have requested that we call them in the event we do not have this product in stock for them to determine an appropriate alternative dose/route of administration.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,

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