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1/11/22 dc Update on shift equity and pharmacist deployment activities
January 12, 2022

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "grp allpharm" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2022 3:14:52 PM
Subject: Update on shift equity and pharmacist deployment activities

I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I wanted to give you a brief update on activities relating to our shift equity and pharmacist deployment project. We originally had pharmacist meetings planned for mid-January, followed closely by listening sessions for various groups, but with the COVID spike, we have updated that schedule. Pharmacist meetings will now be held February 17, 18, and 23 in CU from 1-2 pm, COVID permitting. Watch for a calendar invitation and accept only one date. Attendance will be limited to approximately 30 people each unless COVID restrictions have been lifted.
Additionally, the initial pilots continue and more are planned for the coming weeks. Here is a synopsis:
  • Scheduling Friday evenings like Sat/Sun to provide 3-days weekends for 2nd shift UB pharmacists
  • 7-on/7-off 12-hour shifts for 2nd shift ED continue
  • Hours adjustment for Q and some centralized distribution areas in place
  • Some workload shifted from Q to OPM
  • [PLANNED] - experiment with the number of pharmacists working 2nd shift UB
  • [PLANNED] - review options with 1Chart that may streamline order verification
  • [PLANNED] - distribute Survey Monkey to determine team members' work schedule preferences
As stated above, we will be holding pharmacist meetings in February, followed by listening sessions for various groups. Additionally, we will be creating work groups to look at various scheduling opportunities and to schedule further pilots. As always, I welcome your suggestions and constructive feedback as we move through the process of scheduling and deploying our pharmacists in a manner that provides greater shift equity.

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