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12/17/21 hs Backorder Updates - Lidocaine 2% viscous and Megace ES
December 27, 2021

From: "Hannah Surapaneni" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>, "PharmTechs Main Central" <>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2021 2:10:33 PM
Subject: Backorder updates - Lidocaine 2% viscous and Megace ES

Good Afternoon,
I wanted to communicate 2 backorders impacting HH Main Central pharmacy:
1) We can only obtain Lidocaine 2% viscous solution 20 mL UD cups at this time. Previously, we have stocked the 15mL size cups on carousel and in pyxis. We will be unloading the remaining UD cups from pyxis at Main and will only send this medication when a label prints or the medication is resupplied. We will not load the 20 mL cups in pyxis at this time. When sending doses from Central, please dispense these with a "Note Dose" auxiliary label. 
2) Megestrol acetate 625mg/5mL (MEGACE ES) oral suspension cups are currently unavailable. Cerner and Pyxis changes have been made so we can use the BULK STOCK solution. Orders for this will begin to cross over on our oral syringe batch. During this backorder, we will only dispense patient specific doses. Syringes made from the stock solution will not be loaded to pyxis. 
Many thanks to all involved for being flexible as we navigate through these backorders. Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns. 

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