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12/15/21 dh IV Potassium shortage
December 27, 2021

From: "Donna Huggins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2021 4:03:59 PM
Subject: IV Potassium shortage

Hello all,
We are experiencing a prolonged shortage of IV potassium products. 
We have a 7-day supply of IV potassium acetate. Full recovery of this item is not expected until June 2022. We may receive intermittent shipments occasionally over the next few months with the next release being mid-January.
Our current supply of potassium chloride should last until the end of January at current usage. We are not currently receiving product and do not anticipate additional supply until the end of January 2022
Potassium phosphate is available at this time without restrictions.  

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