Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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12/13/21 je New Drug Build Request & Project Communication Process
December 13, 2021

From: "Jonathan Edwards" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2021 7:56:02 AM
Subject: Re: New Drug Build Request & Project Communication Process
Communication and Implementation of New Policies and Procedures

New Drug workflow

We've recently standardized our new drug build request and our new project communication process. The new work flow is attached to this email, but the main takeaways are:
New drug build request:
  • All new requests for drug additions or product changes will need to have a completed New Drug Request form (located in the Pharmacy Staff Information section of Formweb).
  • Email the completed form to This email group contains representatives from various areas of the department that may be affected by the request (PSP, Madison, HWC, Buyers, etc).
  • All requests will be discussed at the weekly Backorder Committee meeting. Build status will also be discussed during these meetings.
  • New P&T approvals may require a separate Ad Hoc meeting depending on the number requests or if biosimilars are involved.
  • The goal of these changes is to improve the process and communication within the department with new drug build requests. If there are any questions, suggestions or issues with the process, please email
  • Please see screen shots attached
New project communication process:
  • All new policy, procedure, protocol, or PowerPlan projects will need to follow the attached outline for pharmacy and committee approvals (located in the Pharmacy Staff Information section of Formweb)
  • This new process will ensure all key stakeholders are notified at the appropriate time during the process of implementing a change within the department
  • The goal of this communication document is to prevent communication missteps and provide a formal document that outlines the sequential steps needed to implement a new process within the pharmacy department
  • Please see attached document
Please forward your questions to Travis (new drug build request) or Jonathan/Madeline (new project communication process).

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