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12/10/21 dh SWFI and NS shortage
December 13, 2021

rom: "Donna Huggins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2021 8:26:06 AM
Subject: SWFI and NS shortage

The ongoing shortage of sterile water vials has caused a subsequent shortage of normal saline vials.  Our supplies at Logistics are nearly exhausted.  We may receive intermittent shipments, but full recovery of sterile water for injection is not exptected until the 3rd quarter of 2022. 


The plan going forward is for nursing to use saline flush syringes for reconstituting and diluting medications.  This practice is normally discouraged due to the potential for medication errors, but at this time it is our best option. 


Michele created the attached flyer and nurse educators are currently distributing and educating the nursing staff. This is divided into two portions, instructions for reconstitution and then for dilution.  The methods used for each are different but guide the best practice to reduce the potential for errors. 


From nurse educators to nursing-

"It is imperative for our staff members to have a STAR moment when utilizing saline flush syringes for reconstitution/ dilution so we don't have an increase in medication errors, contamination, or needle sticks. When these flushes are utilized, appropriate medication labeling is essential. "


We will keep you informed of any changes.

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