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12/09/21 aa Hydralazine for Hypertension: Comment Update
December 13, 2021

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 9, 2021 11:15:48 AM
Subject: Hydralazine for Hypertension: Comment Update

We received a request to update the ‘standard’ hypertension comment on hydrALAZINE orders included in Powerplans due to misinterpretation of the current instructions related to HR < 60 BPM.


Previous Comment: PRN systolic blood pressure greater than 160 mmHg, unrelieved by labetalol (if ordered) or HR < 60 BPM.  Not to exceed 5 mg/min.


New Comment: PRN systolic blood pressure greater than 160 mmHg.  If labetalol ordered, give hydrALAZINE if labetalol is ineffective OR labetalol is clinically inappropriate (HR < 60 BPM).  Not to exceed 5 mg/min.


This was updated on the following Powerplans in Production today:

-ICU Common Concerns


-HOSP Common Concerns


-GENSURG Common Concerns


-ORTHO Joint Multimodal Analgesia and MISC PostOp Orders


The new  comment will show for new orders going forward.  There is not a need to update this comment on previously placed orders.


Since this a common order/comment for this product, I wanted to make sure all were aware of the modification.  Please let me know if you encounter any issues or have any questions.  Thank you.


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