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11/29/2021 je COVID-19 Treatment Recommendations at Huntsville Hospital
December 8, 2021

From: "Jonathan Edwards" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 12:33:01 PM
Subject: Re: COVID-19 Treatment Recommendations at Huntsville Hospital

Please see attached COVID-19 Treatment Recommendations document. This document has been updated to include more "non-traditional" therapies for COVID-19. This document follows a stoplight approach to the various treatment options.
  • Green = Approved therapies for COVID-19 - follow HH use criteria when verifying
  • Yellow = Approved therapies for COVID-19, but requires AMT approval - reach out to AMT via COVID Hotline or email address
  • Red = Unapproved therapies for COVID-19 at HH - do not verify these orders and notify the prescribing physician that the therapy has not been approved or evaluated for use at HH. If the physician is insistent on starting this therapy refer them to Dr. Chappell for medical staff approval.
Please let AMT know if you have an questions or if you have any issues when discussing "red-light" medications with providers.
Thank you,

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