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05/10/17 SL -- Kcentra Update

From: Steven Lee
To: Pharmacists
Cc: Keith Moss
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 1:17:12 PM
Subject: Re: Kcentra Update

Kcentra has been added to the ordering VT and can be entered separately from the order set.


From: Steven Lee
To: Pharmacists
Cc: Keith Moss
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 10:20:27 AM
Subject: Kcentra Update


Kcentra has been approved by P&T to be our formulary workhorse PCC product in place of Profilnine and may currently be ordered.

A few things to note: 

  1. Profilnine or Profilnine with NovoSeven will be therapeutically interchanged with Kcentra unless the patient is on ECMO, has a history of HIT, an allergy to albumin, "No Substitution" is specified, or the patient has received NovoSeven prior to PCC order.

  2. Physician specialties that may order Kcentra are the same as the specialties that were able to order Profilnine in the past, with the addition of vascular surgeons.

  3. Kcentra is restricted for use for the following indications: emergent reversal of warfarin or oral direct factor Xa inhibitor induced life-threatening bleeding in adults, for adults on these anticoagulants requiring emergent surgery, and life-threatening bleeding unresponsive to alternative therapies.

  4. Orders for Kcentra may utilize the Emergent Reversal of Oral Anticoagulants order set (currently available for use on DocuShare and the order set pathway in iCare).

  5. We are currently working with IT to build Kcentra separately from the order set in iCare. If a situation arises where Kcentra is ordered separately from the order set before it is built, use the Emergent Reversal of Oral Anticoagulants order set pathway in iCare and discontinue all linked orders for now [Order Sets --> Housewide Order Sets --> Medication Protocols/Order Sets --> Emergent Reversal-Oral Anticoagulants]. I will send an update when Kcentra is built in iCare to be ordered separately from the order set.

This information can also be found on FormWeb for future reference. Please let Jerry or me know of any comments or concerns.

Steven Lee, PharmD, BCPS
PGY-2 Critical Care Pharmacy Resident
Huntsville Hospital


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