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11/30/2021 tb Do Not Crush/Haz-Med rule in Sentri7
December 8, 2021

From: "Travis Ball" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 10:37:04 AM
Subject: Do Not Crush/Haz-Med rule in Sentri7

In addition to identifying patients who have a drug with a comment of "Do Not Crush" or "HAZ-MED" and have a route of G-Tube, this rule also tries to identify patients that may be on a ventilator and also have drugs with these comments. To try to identify these ventilator patients, it looks for orders for chlorhexidine. A patient will only qualify for the rule if they have BOTH a chlorhexidine order AND a drug with the above comments. Please evaluate if the patient is on a vent prior to clicking Review in Sentri7. 
Note: Sentri7 does not show the orders that have these comments in the "Relevant drugs" pop-up. You will need to look at the profile in Sentri7 to identify them (see example below). Wolters Kluwer is aware of this issue and we are awaiting a fix.

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