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12/01/21 md HEMSI LDB Kits (Minus Valium)
December 8, 2021

From: "Mary Dang" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 10:19:35 AM
Subject: HEMSI LDB Kits (Minus Valium)
HEMSI LDB Contents
Good Morning,

Starting today (12/1/21), HEMSI will no longer carry diazepam (valium) injections, per their LDB kits, due to low use and to decrease potential medication errors. When a LDB kit is returned to pharmacy for exchange and items need to be replaced, do NOT restock diazepam. HEMSI will be responsible for wasting diazepam as they go through their kits. The goal is for HEMSI to waste all of their diazepam injections in the very near future with HEMSI personnel witnessing each other. If a HEMSI personnel asks you to witness the diazepam waste when returning a LDB kit, do not perform that task and defer them to their supervisor. Attached is an updated list of LDB contents. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,


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