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11/11/21 ja CMS (Medicare) Vaccine Mandate
November 30, 2021

From: "Jack Adams" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2021 12:45:12 PM
Subject: Fwd: CMS (Medicare) Vaccine Mandate

You may have questions about the mandate and how it affects you. We'll do our best to answer your questions below, but please contact your manager/supervisor, HR, Employee Health, or pharmacy leadership if you need assistance. 

 Why is the HH enforcing this mandate? All healthcare facilities (other hospitals, surgery centers, and clinics) must comply with the mandate in order to receive funding for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). Our hospital would be unable to function without the financial support from CMS. 

 What if I am not currently COVID-19 vaccinated? 1) We encourage you to get vaccinated... if you're on the fence or have questions, please talk to a pharmacist, manager, DI, Employee Health, HR, or your doctor about it. 2) You have the option to request exemption from the vaccine requirement for certain medical or religious reasons. 

 When do I have to either be vaccinated or have submitted my exemption request? 

Phase 1: December 5, 2021 is the last day to have either, 1) Received, at minimum, the first dose of the two-step vaccine or your single J&J vaccination, or 2) Submitted your exemption request. IF YOU DO NOT COMPLY WITH ONE OF THESE OPTIONS, you will receive a final waning and be suspended from work without pay on December 6, 2021. You may return to work once you meet compliance.

Phase 2: January 4, 2022 is the last day to have either, 1) Be fully vaccinated, or 2) Submitted your exemption request. IF YOU DO NOT COMPLY WITH ONE OF THESE OPTIONS, you will be removed from payroll on January 5, 2022

 How do I request a COVID-19 exemption? 1) PULSE/Hotlist/Vaccination: Exemption for COVID-19 vaccine, or 2) Fill out the attached form and submit to Employee Health.

 What happens if I decide to request exemption and not be vaccinated? You are expected to remain masked at all times unless in a private office or eating alone, but you retain your employment if you follow the masking rule. 

 What if I'm on FMLA or PRN and I'm not working during the requirement dates? You are expected to comply and must be vaccinated or request exemption before you will be permitted to return to work. 

 What if I received my COVID-19 vaccination from outside of HH? You MUST submit proof of vaccination. See PULSE/Hotlist/Vaccination: Recording Form.

 What if I am already fully vaccinated AND Employee Health is aware? You will receive $100 in January 2022.


We do not want anyone to be suspended or terminated for failure to follow this requirement, hence we have highlighted the section above listing deadlines and outcomes of missing those deadlines.   

 Some may be upset by the mandate, but we ask that you keep in mind - our hospital and all others must comply with this mandate in order to receive the financial support necessary to take care of our patients. 

 Please reach out if you have additional questions/concerns, and we will do our best to answer them.



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