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11/17/21 sh metroNIDAZOLE 500 mg/100 mL IVPB on critical backorder - Urgent
November 23, 2021

From: "Steven Higginbotham" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 3:53:45 PM
Subject: metroNIDAZOLE 500 mg/100 mL IVPB on critical backorder - URGENT

metroNIDAZOLE 500 mg/100 mL IVPBs are on critical backorder. 
Based on our current usage rate, we have approximately 8 days of drug in stock. We do not anticipate receiving any more product until mid December. 
Starting today11/17/2021, PLEASE DO NOT verify any new orders for IV metroNIDAZOLE. This will help conserve our supply for existing orders. If you receive an order for IV metroNIDAZOLE, please contact the prescriber for alternate orders. 

Jonathan Edwards and Madeline Belk have spoken to Dr. Hassoun, Dr. Siddiqui, and Dr. Roig regarding this issue in adults. Their recommendations are as follows:
  1. Aggressively converting IV orders to PO
  2. If PO is not an option the following alternatives should be considered
    • Zosyn for non-penicillin allergic patients (Will typically replace the combination of cefepime + metronidazole) (For HHWC will typically replace the combination of cefepime or ceftriaxone + metronidazole)
    • Ertapenem for penicillin allergic patients (Will typically replace the combination of levofloxacin + metronidazole)
  3. Do not use in patients with aspiration pneumonia
There are really no good options in the absence of metronidazole. 
Contact Jonathan or Madeline if you have any questions regarding alternative therapies. 
Additional information regarding pediatric patients will be sent out soon.
I will inform the department when we exhaust our supply or when routine verification can resume. 

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