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11/17/21 ms HH Main 5NW Unit Opening Today
November 23, 2021

From: "Morgan Sellars" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>, "Brittany Berger" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 12:52:10 PM
Subject: HH Main 5NW Unit Opening Today

Hi, everyone, 
5NW will be opening up today (11/17/21). The unit will be considered a "discharge holding unit." It will consist of patients from any unit with discharge orders who are awaiting rides, placements (SNF vs rehab), etc. The patients could be here anywhere from a few hours to a few days, and they will still be in Cerner as an active inpatient so it is possible for them to have consults and orders for verification. The patient will move from his or her original unit to 5NW and then be discharged from 5NW. The goal is to free up beds on the medical, cardiovascular, and oncology units, allowing the ED to more quickly get patients in hall beds up to the floors. 
5NW has been added to the UB 2/7 PPMs, and they will be responsible for order verification, Sentri7s, and interventions. PKS/NSS consults on 5NW will be handled by the CCU-II clinical specialist. Evening code coverage and patient's own meds will be managed through the help of the pharmacists located in Central pharmacy (Q4, Te, UB 10/12).
If you have any questions, please let me know. 

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