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11/5/21 jh Alvimopan protocol change: Update Effective, 7/5
November 23, 2021

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "grp allpharm" <>
Cc: "Aaron Atkins" <>, "David Collette" <>, "Travis Ball" <>
Sent: Friday, November 5, 2021 2:24:16 PM
Subject: RE: Alvimopan protocol change: Update Effective Monday, July 5

Hey all,


It was previously recommended that for patients qualifying for the Sentri7 rule and meeting alvimopan (Entereg) discontinuation criteria, a PROPOSAL for discontinuation be submitted by the Pharmacist to the prescriber. Unfortunately, we have since learned it is not usually possible to propose the discontinuation of orders that are part of a PowerPlan (and alvimopan is often part of a PowerPlan).  If you attempt to Discontinue these alvimopan orders from PowerChart, the Ordering Physician window appears but the option to Propose will not.


For now, if alvimopan fires in Sentri7 and the provider did not indicate in Documentation if they intend for it to continue, please reach out to the prescriber directly.


If attempting to Discontinue this PowerPlan order, cannot propose the D/C:


We have adjusted Formweb and will update Sentri7 as well to remove that line:

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